The House Love Will Build

The House Love Will Build

The House Love Will Build for Ronald McDonald is an exciting new project from Ronald McDonald.
Western Webs set about building a website to showcase the title ‘The Most Important House in the World’.
Firstly, the new Ronald McDonald House will sit at the very heart of the New Children’s Hospital. Thus, it will enable families to stay together in the hospital while doctors battle to save their child’s life. Additionally, it will provide the most effective and urgently needed support to thousands of exhausted parents and traumatised children for generations to come.

In fact, for some families, it will be a place of celebration and joy.

But for every parent and every child who stays there, it will be the most important House in the world.
You can help us build it.

The website features Barrog, an exciting new character there to help the children in their time of need.

Visit the website for the Ronald McDonald House –   The House Love Will Build.

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