Minister Sean Canney TD
Minister Sean Canney
Western Webs website for Minister Sean Canney to outline the range of services offered from his constituency office in Tuam County Galway. Plus, the website will also present the Press Releases from by his office on a regular basis.
Firstly, Minister Sean Canney is an Independent TD. He serves as Minister of State for Natural Resources, Community Affairs and Digital Development since October 2018. Sean Canney has been a TD for the Galway East constituency since 2016. He previously served as Minister of State for the Office of Public Works and Flood Relief from 2016 to 2017.
Finally, the website content is kept up to date by his constituency office. Also, it is built on a WordPress platform and mobile responsive. Plus, it is optimised for fast loading performance and host service in Ireland.
Click to visit Minister Sean Canney TD website.